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In 2019, our blog post “5 Student Housing Marketing Tips to Appeal to Parents” gained tremendous engagement. While still relevant, we acknowledge the evolving landscape as a new era of parents supporting their student renters. Originally focused on Generation X, we now recognize the importance of catering to Millennial parents, who bring different expectations and a wealth of experience with high-tech conveniences.

In this updated guide, we’ll delve into five additional strategies that resonate with both Generation X and Millennial parents and examples on how to implement, ensuring your student housing marketing remains relevant and future-proof.

By focusing on these five key strategies, you not only meet the expectations of today’s diverse parent demographic but also present a comprehensive and modernized approach to student housing marketing. Recognizing the diversity of preferences and staying attuned to the latest trends ensures your student housing remains a top choice for the evolving demographic of today’s renters and their parents. Don’t forget to check out our other strategies to help appeal more to Generation X parents here.